

SKU: WDS-AF-01 Category:


 Elevate your message to new heights with Signicade® signs. Here's what sets them apart:

Product Features: 

  • Dimensions: 25" W x 45" H x 3" D
  • Fresh Options: Now available in black and white frame colors
  • Built to Last: Crafted from rust-proof plastic for exceptional durability
  • Double the Impact: Accommodates 2 (24"x 36") plastic sign inserts
  • Stability Guaranteed: Can be weighted with water or sand for enhanced wind resistance
  • Versatile Advertising: Ideal for sidewalks and parking lots

As a business owner, your focus should be on your business, not the weather forecast. With Signicade® plastic sandwich boards, you can "set it and forget it," no matter the weather conditions—rain, snow, or anything else. The resilient black or white plastic frame won't succumb to rust or damage easily. Plus, you have the option to fill the frame with water or sand for added stability.

Signicade® A-frames are your go-to for sidewalk advertising and real estate signage. Place them at your storefront to promote sales or events, or use them at open houses to showcase your listings.

Ready to kick-start your advertising game? Begin by selecting the package that suits your needs. If you already have our frame, simply choose the insert. If you need the complete package, opt for the "frame & 2 inserts" option. Then, explore our diverse collection of fully customizable Signicade® designs, including industry-specific choices. Personalize your selected design with essential details such as your business name, logo, and a unique message. Leave the rest to us, and your sign will arrive looking sharp, polished, and poised to make a lasting impression.


Best Practices:

  • We cannot color match. Please see our Color Optimization Guide in order to get great results including true black and blue colors.
  • Keep it simple. Your message should be clear and concise, and easy to read from a distance. Use bold and legible fonts, and limit the amount of text to just a few words or a short phrase.
  • Use eye-catching visuals. Adding eye-catching visuals to your sign can help grab the attention of passersby. Use high-quality graphics or images that are relevant to your business or message.
  • Consider your placement. Place your sign in a high-traffic area where it will be easily visible to pedestrians and motorists. Make sure it is not obstructing the sidewalk or impeding foot traffic.
  • Keep your sign clean and well-maintained. A dirty or damaged sign can send the wrong message to potential customers. Make sure your sign is clean, in good condition and free of any damage or wear and tear.


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